wwa-scope-action 1.0.0
Scope guard utilities for managing exit actions in C++
Scope Action Utilities

Build and Test CodeQL Quality Gate Status


This project provides a set of scope guard utilities for managing exit actions in C++. These utilities ensure that specified actions are executed when a scope is exited, regardless of how the exit occurs. The scope guards include:

  • exit_action: Executes an action when the scope is exited.
  • fail_action: Executes an action when the scope is exited due to an exception.
  • success_action: Executes an action when the scope is exited normally.

These utilities are useful for ensuring that resources are properly released or actions are taken when a scope is exited.


  • exit_action: Calls its exit function on destruction, when a scope is exited.
  • fail_action: Calls its exit function when a scope is exited via an exception.
  • success_action: Calls its exit function when a scope is exited normally.


Example Usage

#include <iostream>
#include <scope_action.h>
void maybe_throw(bool should_throw)
if (should_throw) {
throw std::runtime_error("An error occurred");
int main()
bool exit_status = false;
bool did_throw = false;
auto func = [&exit_status]() { exit_status = true; };
// Using exit_action: runs on scope exit (success or exception)
try {
auto guard = wwa::utils::exit_action(func);
} catch (...) {
did_throw = true;
std::cout << "exit_action: " << exit_status << ", did_throw: " << did_throw << std::endl;
exit_status = did_throw = false;
// Using fail_action: runs only if an exception occurs
try {
auto guard = wwa::utils::fail_action(func);
} catch (...) {
did_throw = true;
std::cout << "fail_action: " << exit_status << ", did_throw: " << did_throw << std::endl;
exit_status = did_throw = false;
// Using success_action: runs only if no exception occurs
try {
auto guard = wwa::utils::success_action(func);
} catch (...) {
did_throw = true;
std::cout << "success_action: " << exit_status << ", did_throw: " << did_throw << std::endl;
return 0;
success_action(ExitFunc) -> success_action< ExitFunc >
Deduction guide for success_action.
exit_action(ExitFunc) -> exit_action< ExitFunc >
Deduction guide for exit_action.
fail_action(ExitFunc) -> fail_action< ExitFunc >
Deduction guide for fail_action.
Scope guard utilities for managing exit actions.

API Documentation

The documentation is available at https://sjinks.github.io/scope-action-cpp/.


A scope guard that calls its exit function on destruction, when a scope is exited.

template<typename ExitFunc>
class [[nodiscard]] exit_action {
template<typename Func>
explicit exit_action(Func&& fn)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<ExitFunc, Func> || std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<ExitFunc, Func&>);
exit_action(exit_action&& other)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<ExitFunc> || std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<ExitFunc>);
~exit_action() noexcept;
void release() noexcept;


A scope guard that calls its exit function when a scope is exited via an exception.

template<typename ExitFunc>
class [[nodiscard]] fail_action {
template<typename Func>
explicit fail_action(Func&& fn)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<ExitFunc, Func> || std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<ExitFunc, Func&>);
fail_action(fail_action&& other)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<ExitFunc> || std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<ExitFunc>);
~fail_action() noexcept;
void release() noexcept;


A scope guard that calls its exit function when a scope is exited normally.

template<typename ExitFunc>
class [[nodiscard]] success_action {
template<typename Func>
explicit success_action(Func&& fn)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<ExitFunc, Func> || std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<ExitFunc, Func&>);
success_action(success_action&& other)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<ExitFunc> || std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<ExitFunc>);
~success_action() noexcept(noexcept(this->m_exit_function()));
void release() noexcept;

Building and Testing


  • C++20 compatible compiler;
  • CMake;
  • Google Test (for running tests).


cmake -B build
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build

Configuration Options

Option Description Default
BUILD_TESTS Build tests ON
BUILD_EXAMPLES Build examples ON
BUILD_DOCS Build documentation ON
BUILD_INTERNAL_DOCS Build internal documentation OFF
ENABLE_MAINTAINER_MODE Maintainer mode (enable more compiler warnings, treat warnings as errors) OFF
USE_CLANG_TIDY Use clang-tidy during build OFF

The BUILD_DOCS (public API documentation) and BUILD_INTERNAL_DOCS (public and private API documentation) require Doxygen and, optionally, dot (a part of Graphviz).

The USE_CLANG_TIDY option requires clang-tidy.

Build Types

Build Type Description
Debug Build with debugging information and no optimization.
Release Build with optimization for maximum performance and no debugging information.
RelWithDebInfo Build with optimization and include debugging information.
MinSizeRel Build with optimization for minimum size.
ASAN Build with AddressSanitizer enabled for detecting memory errors.
LSAN Build with LeakSanitizer enabled for detecting memory leaks.
UBSAN Build with UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer enabled for detecting undefined behavior.
TSAN Build with ThreadSanitizer enabled for detecting data races.
Coverage Build with code coverage analysis enabled.

ASAN, LSAN, UBSAN, TSAN, and Coverage builds are only supported with GCC or clang.

Coverage build requires gcov (GCC) or llvm-gcov (clang) and gcovr.

Running Tests

To run the tests, use the following command:

ctest -T test --test-dir build/test

or run the following binary:


The test binary uses Google Test library. Its behavior can be controlled via environment variables and/or command line flags.

Run test_scope_action --help for the list of available options.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


This project is inspired by the scope guard utilities from the (experimental) Version 3 of the C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals and the Guidelines Support Library (GSL).